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Are you experiencing stress?
In your mind?
In your body?
In your relationships ?

I Can Help

I understand. I am on this journey with you, and I’m happy to help.


In many ways, I had a great life. I was in my forties, had two amazing children who’d become adults I was proud of, and was a successful therapist.

Then I had a life-changing accident.

Read my story

It saved my life. I saw Robin for over a year before I moved out of her service area. The things Robin taught me in that 12x12 serene, safe and loved filled room have stuck with me to this day. One of the biggest life changers Robin instilled was to “do things that fill your cup” and remember “you can’t pour into others with an empty cup”.


Current Offerings

Use code SOMATIC2024 to get the Personalized Discovery Consultation for only $97!

I just wanted to update you on a couple of things…first off I got married! Im using my coping skills. I just want to say thank you. You helped me a lot so thank you! I think you are an amazing therapist . So thank you.


The latest from my blog, Kindlings. 

Ignition - a place to start

Oct 18, 2023

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